Archive for ◊ 2009 ◊

• Sunday, March 29th, 2009

I. Solid Ministry Team vv. 1-3,5
Support, Like minded, Encouraging, Accountability and Diversity.
II. Strategic Ministry Planning vv. 4-7
III. Successful Evangelism vs. 8
IV. Sensitivity to the Lord’s will vv.9-10
V. Sustained teaching of God’s Word vs. 11

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• Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
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• Sunday, March 15th, 2009

I. The Portrait of the philosophers vv. 16-21

II. The Perilous plight of the philosophers vv. 22-23

A. They were very religious
B. They were hopelessly idolatrous
C. They were admittedly ignorant

III. The Proclamation to the philosophers vv. 24-31

A. Eight propositional truths about God vv. 24-28
1. God is the Creator vv.24,26
2. God is the Judge vv.24.26
3. God is infinite vs.24
4. God is independent vs.25
5. God is benevolent vs.25

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• Sunday, March 08th, 2009

The Gospel in the Market Place
Acts 17:16-34
I. The Portrait of the philosophers
1. Their Identity vs. 18a
A. Epicureans
B. Stoics
2. Their Thinking vs. 18b
3. Their Vulnerability vv. 19-21

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• Sunday, March 01st, 2009

The Centrality of the Scriptures in Evangelism Acts 17:10-15

I. Open Arms vs. 11a
They received the message of the gospel eagerly.

II. Open Minds vs. 11b
They examined the Scriptures willingly.

A. Three Steps
1. Examine the Scriptures carefully.
2. Engage in this process daily.
3. Enquire of the Scriptured inquisitively.

B. Five Tips
1. Pray 2-5 minutes.
2. Read the Bible – observation 15 minutes.
3. Study the Bible – interpretation 20 minutes.
4. Identify and Answer.
5. Apply the Bible – application 2-5 minutes.

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• Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

This week Associate Pastor, Chris Grazor investigates Paul’s guidence to the Colossians.

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• Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Proclaiming Christ the King (Part 2)
Acts 17:1-9

I. Effective evangelism must include a clear presentation of both the person and work of Jesus Christ vv. 2-3

II. Effective evangelism will always induce a definitive response in the listeners vv. 4-9
A. Favorable vs. 4
B. Unfavorable vv. 5-9

Five Suggestions for Proclaiming Christ:

1. Ask the Lord for strength and guidance in preparing to proclaim Christ.

2. Turn the conversation to the Person and work of Christ as early as possible.

3. Stay focused on the gospel and don’t allow yourself to be side tracked by irrelevant comments or objections to the central message.

4. Ask the person to believe the claims of Christ.

5. Help the person take the next step in turning to Christ.

Due to technical difficulties, portions of the first few minutes of this sermon are difficult to understand.

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• Sunday, February 08th, 2009

Proclaiming Christ the King

Acts 17:1-9 (Part 1)

Four Parallels

of Acts 17:1-9 with chapters 13-14

1. Paul begins his point of contact in the synagogue of the Jews – his custom

Acts 13:5

Acts 13:14

Acts 14:1

2. Paul teaches or preaches the gospel to the people in the synagogue

Acts 13:5

Acts 13:15ff.

Acts 14:1

3. The diverse responses of the people who hear him speak are either favorable or strongly opposed

In Pisidian Antioch:

Acts 13:42-43 extremely favorable


13:44-45 unfavorable

vv. 48-49 favorable

vs. 50 unfavorable

In Iconium:

Acts 14:1 favorable

Acts 14:2, 4 unfavorable

4. The departure of the missionaries in a cloud of controversy or persecution

In Pisidian Antioch:

Acts 13:51

In Iconium:

Acts 14:5-6

In Lystra:


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• Sunday, February 01st, 2009

Theme: 3 Reasons why Christians must trust God in times of governmental injustice.

1Peter 4:19 Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.

1. The authorities will act lawfully in His time. vv. 35-36

2. The Christian will have the oppourtunity to make his case. vs. 37

3. The Authorities must abide by the higher law under which they serve. vv. 38-39

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• Sunday, January 25th, 2009

The Question – What Must I Do To Be Saved?

1.Crisis often precedes and prepares a person to ask the question.
vv 25-29

2.Christ-likeness will result from a proper response to the question.
vv 32-34

Pastor George

Bonsangue continues investigation of Paul’s missionary activities:

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