George Hyon – Senior Pastor/Elder
I was saved from my sins by God’s amazing grace, mercy, and power in late 1998, through reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and the Gospel of John. God revealed who Jesus Christ was to me, broke me of my pride, immorality, and rebellion against Him, and showed me that my whole life & thinking about the world was wrong on all levels. My heart and life changed dramatically after I admitted that, cried out to God for forgiveness, and confessed Jesus as my personal Savior & Lord.
As God was transforming me from the inside-out, I began seeking what He wanted me to do with this life He gave to me. He put on my heart a strong desire to know His Word and to bring the truth of the Good News to people who need the Savior. Eventually He led me to be trained for full-time ministry at the Master’s Seminary where I received my Master of Divinity degree, and subsequently I was ordained at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA in 2009.
I am incredibly blessed to shepherd both the beautiful family and the precious church family that the Lord has entrusted to my care. My wife (Iris) and I have three terrific kids (Phillip, Phoebe and Joseph). I am so very thankful to God for the wonderful privilege of being called to be Senior Pastor at Faith Bible Church, beginning in April 2018. I love the precious brothers and sisters in Christ of this local body, and passionately want to lead them to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18), for the glory of God and the spread of His awesome Name!
Bill Nesbitt – Elder
I am a retired pastor now serving at Faith Bible Church. I grew up in Western Pennsylvania, so I am an avid Steeler and Penn State fan.
When I was 24 years old, I came to Los Angeles to be an actor, but a year later God saved me and called me into the ministry. I graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 1987, married my wife Lisa, and we served the Lord for 34 years in Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, and Wisconsin.
Here at FBC, I have the privilege of serving alongside Pastor George as an elder and the adult Sunday school teacher. We have three grown children, a grandson, and a granddaughter.