It is our hope that we encourage women of all ages at Faith Bible Church to grow spiritually so that “…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, (the Women of Faith will) dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8
Our Goals:
♥ To teach Biblically sound doctrine regarding the respective role of the woman in her family, within the church and within the community (Titus 2:3–5)
♥ To encourage each woman as she seeks to mature in her spiritual walk with Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:15, I Peter 1:7)
♥ To assist, teach and disciple women as they develop spiritual gifts and Godly character and attitudes (I Peter 4:10)
♥ To help each woman to find her role for service in the church family, using the gifts and abilities that God has given her (Romans 12:6–8)
♥ To develop a supportive, like-minded community of dedicated women by providing opportunities for fellowship (Acts 2:40–47a)
♥ To reach out to every woman so that Christ may dwell in their hearts (Ephesians 3:17, I Peter 3:18)
Our Activities:
♥ Women’s Breakfast (3rd Saturday at 9 am, monthly)
Fellowship, devotional, food
♥ Women’s Prayer Meeting (Every Wednesday at 9 am)
♥ Women’s Bible Study (2nd and 4th Wednesday at 10:15 am)
♥ Discipleship Opportunities
♥ Service Opportunities
♥ Ladies Workshops (as offered)
Crafts, Scrapbooking, Sewing & Quilting, Homemaking, Self-Defense and more!
♥ Community Outreach (Check bulletin announcements or website for schedule as offered)
At local assisted-care facility
♥ Annual Events (Check bulletin announcements or website for schedule)
Spring Tea Outreach, Christmas Fellowship, Ladies Retreat
Dates, times and locations are subject to change. Please check bulletin announcements or website for schedule updates.