Sunday School Hour (9:00 AM)
The goal of our Sunday School is to study the Bible and learn to make specific applications of the lessons to our own lives.  The goal of all biblical study should be a changed life – not just an intellectual exercise!  Here are our current offerings:

FaithWalk (Adults)
Teacher:  Elder Bill Nesbitt
Room: #4

CrossWalk (Youth)
Teacher: Elder Bill Nesbitt
Room:  #4

ROCK (Children)
Teacher: Iris Hyon
Grades:  K – 5th
Room:  #7

The nursery ministry is for newborns through age four. It is open during Sunday School and the Sunday morning worship service. The nursery is a safe, clean place where children receive high-quality care. Guidelines for all nursery workers and parents are available in the nursery.

Please ask Iris H. for more information during this hour.
Room: #3