Tag-Archive for ◊ Gospel ◊

• Sunday, April 14th, 2024


1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (NASB)

9 For you recall, brothers and sisters, our labor and hardship: it was by working night and day so as not to be a burden to any of you, that we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. 10 You are witnesses, and so is God, of how devoutly and rightly and blamelessly we behaved toward you believers; 11 just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children, 12 so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.

Theme: The privilege of proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples comes with the God-graced responsibility of personal investment and godly conduct.

A “To-Do” List for the Christian Discipler:

1) Persist in sacrificial service (v. 9)

2) Practice exemplary behavior (v. 10)

3) Provide father-like care ((v. 11)

4) Have a clear purpose (v. 12)


• Sunday, October 25th, 2020

2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.

Sermon Theme: Christians are called to be prayerful representatives of Christ whose lives line up with the Gospel they proclaim.

Outline: 3 Essentials to remember as you faithfully represent Christ in communicating the Gospel to the lost around you.

1) Be talking to and asking God for help (4:2-4)

2) Your walk should match your talk (4:5)

3) Your speech should match your belief (4:6)

• Sunday, June 30th, 2019

Colossians 1:12-13 (NASB)

12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.

13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

Big Idea: From beginning to end, God is the One who deserves continual, joyful thanks for our soul’s salvation.

Outline: Three actions of God in the Gospel for you to remember so that you can continually give joyful thanks to Him in life.

Action #1 – God qualified us – for life in Heaven (1:12)

Action #2 – God rescued us – from the powers of death & Hell (1:13a)

Action #3 – God transferred us – to the presence of His beloved Son (1:13b)