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• Sunday, October 10th, 2021

Mark 6:1-6 Ā (NASB)

1 Jesus went out from there and came into His hometown; and His disciples followed Him.Ā 2Ā And when the Sabbath came, He beganĀ to teach in the synagogue; and theĀ many listeners were astonished, saying, ā€œWhere did this manĀ learnĀ these things, and what isĀ thisĀ wisdom that has been given to Him, and such miracles as these performed by His hands?Ā 3Ā Is this notĀ the carpenter,Ā the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And areĀ His sisters not here with us?ā€ And they tookĀ offense at Him.Ā 4Ā Jesus said to them,Ā ā€œA prophet is not dishonored except in his hometown and among hisĀ ownĀ relatives, and in hisĀ ownĀ household.ā€Ā 5Ā And He could not do any miracle there except that HeĀ laid His hands on a few sick people and healedĀ them.Ā 6Ā And He was amazed at their unbelief.Ā And He was going around the villages, teaching.

Big Idea: The unbelief of Jesusā€™ hometown people who were most familiar with Him can serve as a heart-check for us who are in the church today, and especially for those who donā€™t truly know Him.

Outline: 3 Warnings about the nature of unbelief for you to consider in your relationship with Jesus.

1. Amazement towards Jesus can be negative (6:1-2)

2. Familiarity with Jesus can breed contempt (6:3-4)

3. Unbelief in Jesus can bring no relief (6:5-6)




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