• Sunday, September 15th, 2013


2 Corinthians 10:7-18 (NASB)
7 You are looking at things as they are outwardly. If anyone is confident in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again within himself, that just as he is Christ’s, so also are we.
8 For even if I boast somewhat further about our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for destroying you, I will not be put to shame,
9 for I do not wish to seem as if I would terrify you by my letters.
10 For they say, “His letters are weighty and strong, but his personal presence is unimpressive and his speech contemptible.”
11 Let such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when absent, such persons we are also in deed when present.
12 For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.
13 But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you.
14 For we are not overextending ourselves, as if we did not reach to you, for we were the first to come even as far as you in the gospel of Christ;
15 not boasting beyond our measure, that is, in other men’s labors, but with the hope that as your faith grows, we will be, within our sphere, enlarged even more by you,
16 so as to preach the gospel even to the regions beyond you, and not to boast in what has been accomplished in the sphere of another.
18 For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.



Theme:Two aspects of a gospel ministry to acknowledge so you can serve Christ in greater humility

I. Understand the leverage of a Gospel Ministry vv. 7-11

1. the exertion of force by means of a lever
2. the power to influence. Concise Oxford English Dictionary

A. He’s confident he belongs to Christ vs.7

B. He’s proud of his authority in Christ vs. 8

C. He’s effective in both his public and personal ministry for Christ vs.9-11

II. Accept the limitations of a Gospel Ministry vv.12-18

A. He avoids human in the gospel ministry vs. 12

B. He brags within the of his gospel ministry vv. 13-17

C. He receives from Christ alone to approve his gospel ministry vs.18

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